Thursday, November 20, 2008


For time:

30 Muscle-ups

Post time to comments.
If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips. If you cannot do that, grabs some bands, do jumping pull ups and dips. Get as close as you can and time it. Then beat it next time.

The core of Crossfit brilliance is the element of intensity. A strong person can take all day for this work out and it only means they are powerful enough and after sufficient rest can repeat this explosive movement. In real life applications this is helpful if one can take a nap between whatever they did one time that exhausted them and the next attempt. At Crossfit we want you to be able to hit it and hit it and hit it hard and then hit it and hit it again. And again. Hard. For a long time.

Like "Grace" yesterday and "Cindy" the day before, this work out is about using intensity to build the physiological, mental and emotional systems that can support true fitness. Crossfit trains our athletes to move "large loads over long distances quickly". The only way to do that is to time ourselves and aim for ever improving efforts. The ability to produce the power needed to execute a muscle-up repeatedly in quick succession will produce the results that make Crossfit athletes effective over a broad range of activities, movements and time constraints.

"Intensity is where the good "_____" (stuff) happens." Crossfit Mantra

I was asked yesterday if these workouts are painful. My answer was: "not when they're over."


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