Thursday, April 2, 2009

10am Womens Only Session - GET HERE

These are the best of the best. At Crossfit Everett, the "best" are the ones who show up to train.

We don't care where you are from, what your addictions are, why you eat crappy, what others think of you, how you got this way, what you look like, what your father didn't do for you, who told you you can't do something, what part of you looks fat, how the other ladies look, what outfit you don't have, stretch marks, why your self esteem sucks, why you think yourself esteem rocks, the phoney axes you have to grind about anything
.....or the other excuses you have used for the last few decades....none of them....excuses all!

Okay....we do care....a is what makes us different. We actually care....about you and the excuses you have used to protect yourself from the change you really want. No one is without issues that they need to face....we all have them in truck loads.
But regardless of how much we care and how many issues you and I need to be here and train. We'll talk about the rest at coffee afterwards.

A brave new athlete with her first steps on a new journey. Her first Deadlifts. Looking good Hilary!

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